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13 Secret Laws of Seduction Every Man Should Know
13 Secret Laws of Seduction Every Man Should Know
Don’t Talk to a Single Woman Before Learning These 13 Bizarre Mistakes You’re Doing Everyday that Make Women Run Away From You
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"I swear I literally found myself breaking each and every one of the rules at least a few times in my life, no wonder I struggle. I love the book I only wish it was longer, I want more of it. I did however also buy the course and for the first time in my life I actually enjoy dating and hanging out with women."
Bought the book 2 months ago
"I've been struggling really hard in regards to anything connected to women. I've been socailly awkward since I remember and I recently decided to start working on it. I started dating women but it has been very hard for me to even get any dates and even those that I managed to secure usually didn't result in a second one. However since I bought this book I have had 2 second dates and one woman even agreed to go on a third one. I am truly beyond grateful. However I also bough the course bur I can tell that even the rules in the book are gamechanging."
Bought the book 2 months ago
"Excellent guide. Easy to follow, rules ready to implement right away. I sensed instant results. I literally have women texting and calling me, when we can get together. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Do yourself a favor and buy it."
Bought the book 1 month ago
Let's face it... Getting women to like you is HARD!
Getting ghosted!
Ever felt the sting of silence after sending a text? Like you're just not worth a reply? We've been there. Let's turn that around
Daunting feeling of loneliness!
You know the terrifying feeling of another year going by without even going on a date. It feels like any success in attracting women is impossible and every year that goes by, makes you feel like any kind of progress is less and less likely.
''Let's just be friends.''
Do you get shot down with ‘’I only see you as a friend’’ when you finally tell her how you truly feel?
Thats why you have to read 13 Laws of Seduction e-book!
Get More Dates & Excecute Them Perfectly
Learn how to set and execute dates properly to make sure her attraction skyrockets.
Make Women Fall in Love With You
Learn how to make her attraction grow overtime with proven to work approaches until she finally falls in love with you.
Never Be Lonely Again
By being able to attract multiple women you will never again have to experience the unsettling feeling of loneliness.
You Will Learn How to Text With Women
Learn how to text properly to make sure her attraction skyrockets.
Get to Know What Women Expect From You
You will learn what behaviour do women expect form a man and why it is attractive to them.
You Will Know What to Do When She Pulls Away
You will learn how to act when a woman pulls away, so that you reignite the attraction instead of killing it.
Frequently asked questions
We understand that you may have some questions regarding our 13 Laws of Seduction e-book. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive from our dear customers.
How many pages does the book have?
The book has 50 pages of pure condensed knowledge. It’s just the right length that you enjoy reading it and that it doesn’t become boring.
Do the principles actually work?
Yes, we are completely sure that each of the "Laws" is the single best possible move you can make in a given situation.
Why are you selling it for such a low price?
We are selling it for such a low price because we want our customers to get the best possible value for the lowest possible price.